Fascia Care

Recover the Health and Beauty

Are you accustomed to the postpartum disorder or dyscomfort? 
Do not give up! We will solve your problems with facia care methods.

Realine Lab makes your body comfortable and healthy during and after the child delivery.
Using our invented Inter-Structural Release (ISR) techniques, we will solve your problems.



  • Postpartum pain and disorders
  • Accumulated, chronic fatigue
  • Style and postural troubles


It is undeniably "people" that support a sustainable society. However, in Japan, the declining birth rate is progressing at a speed unprecedented in human history, and the population is declining.

Realline Lab supports the health of the "mother" who supports the growth of people from birth, and supports childcare, which is the foundation of a healthy and active society.

Our mission is to solve problems before and after childbirth, and we will respond to various troubles.

  • Home
    ・Swelling of the head and neck
    ・Swelling of the whole body (excluding the head and neck)
    ・Upper limbs (arms, armpits, back)
    ・Trunk (waist, stomach)
    ・Lower limbs (pelvis/legs)


  • Disorders of muscles, joints, nerves, etc.
    ・Pelvic malfunction
    ・Neck/shoulder/arm discomfort
    ・Malfunction of each joint
    ・Neuralgia, dull pain, numbness
    ・Deformation/protrusion of ribs


  • Postpartum muscle weakness
    ・ Sagging abdominal muscles / decreased function
    ・Imperial muscle release


  • Pelvic floor troubles
    ・Pelvic floor muscle function decrease
    ・Dullness and pain
    ・Pudendal nerve pain
    ・Urinary incotinence
    ・fecal incontinence


  • Autonomous nervous disorder
    ・Headaches and dizziness
    ・Chronic nausea and stomach dyscomfort


・The main purpose of this service is to support prenatal, postnatal, and childcare.20-40 years oldI will assume.

・If you are not eligible (under 20 years old, 40 years old or older) and have trouble with childcare before and after childbirth, please contact us from the button below. Upon request, we will be happy to refer you to a "rearline specialist" near you.



With a soft hand operation like calligraphy, using one corner of the bones of the fingertips, not only muscles but also nerves and blood vessels less than 1 mm in size, we find adhesions that are the cause of all kinds of disorders.

Inter- ization Release

It is a unique technique to release adhesions found by precise palpation with your fingertips. No squeezing or cracking joints. If you rub the adhesion part with your fingertips over the clothes, the adhesion will be released as if it melts.

Inter-organizational release techniques have been taught to hundreds of healthcare professionals through inter-organizational release seminars.

Facia Care

Fascia is the tissue that surrounds muscles, internal organs, nerves and blood vessels. Technically, it is called fibrous connective tissue, which includes fascia, peritoneum, tendon sheaths, and vascular sheaths. Abnormalities in fascia cause pain, as pain sensors are distributed in the fascia.

Fascia care aims to relieve nerve irritation caused by fascia adhesions. It is a method to release the adhesions by using the inter-tissue release to dissolve the adhesions and improve the physical condition.

Skin Care

Swelling occurs when water collects under the skin. When the veins and lymphatic vessels are compressed, it becomes difficult for water to return to the heart, and the swelling becomes chronic.

Swelling care releases fascia adhesions around veins and lymphatic vessels, and helps the veins and lymphatic vessels return water to the heart. For an example of the resulting change,InstagramContact Us


Head and neck swelling care

  • Fascia care to reduce swelling of the head and neck.
  • It improves the function of fascia and improves the flow of blood and lymph that causes swelling.
  • Recommended for bridal and before returning to work after childbirth.

Whole body swelling care

  • Fascia care to reduce swelling of the whole body (upper body, lower body, trunk) excluding the head and neck.
  • It improves the function of fascia and improves the flow of blood and lymph that causes swelling.
  • Recommended for bridal and before returning to work after childbirth.

Partial swelling care

  • Fascia care to reduce swelling in either the upper body, lower body or trunk.
  • It improves the function of fascia and improves the flow of blood and lymph that causes swelling.
  • Recommended for bridal and before returning to work after childbirth.

Premium fascia care

  • We perform fascia care for local troubles of 3 or more parts in 2 hours.
  • The purpose is to restore the physical condition, body shape and posture before and after childbirth.
  • Swelling care is not included.

fascia care

  • We perform fascia care for 1-2 local troubles in 1 hour.
  • The purpose is to restore the physical condition, body shape and posture before and after childbirth.
  • Swelling care is not included.

Contact Us

We are looking for the following persons

  • Dysmenorrhea (those who are taking 3 or more tablets due to menstrual cramps/PMS)
  • Up to 20 weeks of pregnancy
  • Urine Leakage

Athlete Care

  • We will carry out facia care for athlete’s pain and dysfunction
  • Supports the return of competition, undulation and performance improvement
  • Edema care is not included.


Kazuyoshi Kamata

Kazuyoshi Kamata Gamada

・Expert in fascia (fascia) release. He works on devising and disseminating precision palpation and inter-organizational release.
・Doctoral,療法ist, Athletic Trainer

・Representative of the Realine Innovation Study Group, Joint Health Therapist, Women's Health Therapist, Realine Trainer


・Experienced the death of a colleague when he was in the University of Tokyo American football club. He wants to study sports medicine.
・As a physiotherapist, he works on athlete rehabilitation, injury recovery, and injury prevention.
・After studying abroad in the United States, worked on research on fine distortion of joints.
・Started postpartum care after researching postpartum pelvic pain. Not only pain, but also swelling, morning sickness, menstrual cramps, autonomic nerves, prenatal and postpartum disorders.

View details


Introduction of cervical swelling care

This is the introduction of "head cervical mukumi care"

●Duration: 2 hours
●Details: Improves the flow of blood and lymph from the neck to the face, fundamentally improving the mechanism of edema.
●Further refreshed over several days after implementation. It also includes correction of parts such as widening the eyes, reducing eyelid edema, centering the nose, and improving the laterality of facial muscles.


We are looking for monitors (3 people) at 50% off the regular price (150,000 yen). The location will be Shibuya or Higashi-Hiroshima. If you are interested, please contact us from the button below with a photo of your face.

Apply to Monitor


  • 出産から21年、仙腸関節障害で杖歩行がやっとという状態





  • 産後ママ必見!歩行時の疲れを解消する体づくり術


    長時間歩行でも疲れにくい身体へ導く方法 赤ちゃんとの毎日、幸せいっぱいなはずなのに…身体の疲れが気になって思うように動けない。そんな悩みを抱えていませんか? そんなママさんに解決方法を提案します!


    長時間歩行でも疲れにくい身体へ導く方法 赤ちゃんとの毎日、幸せいっぱいなはずなのに…身体の疲れが気になって思うように動けない。そんな悩みを抱えていませんか? そんなママさんに解決方法を提案します!

  • 産後の姿勢の悩み





  • 産後の骨盤底筋トレーニング


    産後の骨盤底筋トレーニングとその重要性 産後の女性たちが抱えるお悩みの中でも、特に多くの方が直面するのが「骨盤底筋」の問題です。私たちの身体は出産を経て大きな変化を遂げますが、その際に直接影響を受けるのが骨盤底筋です。この記事では「骨盤底筋」について、そのケアについてもご案内しています。


    産後の骨盤底筋トレーニングとその重要性 産後の女性たちが抱えるお悩みの中でも、特に多くの方が直面するのが「骨盤底筋」の問題です。私たちの身体は出産を経て大きな変化を遂げますが、その際に直接影響を受けるのが骨盤底筋です。この記事では「骨盤底筋」について、そのケアについてもご案内しています。

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